LIFEPlan CCO NY 1-855-572-2669 ACA/NY 1-833-692-2269 Person Centered Services 1-855-208-3533 ©, TriaDD. LLC 2023 |07.23 FSS is a short-term, limited resource available to families to enhance a family’s ability to provide in-home care to their loved one with an intellectual or developmental disability. FSS goods, services, and subsidies provide opportunities for increased staffing, community interactions, or other person-centered needs that were denied by other funding sources. These services are prioritized for those not enrolled in the OPWDD HCBS Waiver. What are Family Support Services? FSS is a state-funded, limited resource for family reimbursement of goods, services and subsidies. These options can be instrumental for a family trying to keep their child with a disability living at home. Some examples include, but are not limited to: Important FSS Criteria You or your advocate must submit an application to the FSS service provider to be approved. Each FSS request must have a separate application accompanied by your Life Plan of services to ensure supports are not being duplicated. You must have eligibility for OPWDD services. The requested service must be related to your disability. You must reside at home full time with one or more non-paid family members or caregivers. You do not need to be enrolled in Medicaid or a CCO to receive FSS. If you are enrolled in the HCBS Waiver program, please utilize those services first. All other funding and service sources should be exhausted before seeking FSS. Whenever a comparable item is available at a lesser cost, the lesser cost item must be utilized. FSS Should Meet One of the Following Goals of: Emergency Reimbursements Emergency Reimbursements for true emergency or crisis situations are available one time per family, per type of request. This is separate from the usual FSS funds and conditions apply. For further information, please contact your Care Manager. FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES (FSS) Respite Advocacy Social Skills Training After School Programs Behavioral or Crisis Services Home Modifications Medical Services Family Counseling or Training Transportation Assistive Equipment Camp Services Emergency Reimbursement Maintaining family unity Maximizing your potential Maintaining your home in the community Reuniting family Enhancing parental skills